Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pretty Pictures Blissify

My long-time friend, Robert, took this delightful shot of Dogwood blossoms this week. He sent it to me to cheer me up after I shared how un-happifying the news around us was this morning. (Thanks, Robert!!)

I try to choose the information that I invite into my day. As a rule, I stick with sources of happy information. I want to be thoughtful about how much time and energy I devote to negative, draining news stories--and how much time I spend talking, thinking, and tweeting about them.

Being informed doesn't have to mean being inundated with all things ugly and mean and scary.

Quite frankly, I would much rather spend my precious moments on positive pursuits. I don't always manage to be in that sweet, happy space--but as I practice being happy, it becomes more natural.

If I believe life is sweet, it truly tends to be just that.

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