Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our Bliss Has Expanded

Since the flash of brilliance hit us to start this blog, most of us have created other web outlets for our thoughts. I thought some of y'all might like to know where you can find those.

Brian is sharing his smarts about all things social media and web development at his professional website, Anocial.

Ned Andrew can be found reading and writing and singing about his bliss at his personal website, Ned Andrew Solomon.

I'm almost certain Christine is out in the blogosphere somewhere. You might have to do some digging to find her, but it will be worth it.

My new website combines all of my passions into one space. I'm loving the continuity and hope you'll drop by here.

I may have to do some fancy talking and get Ellen her own site. She's got a lot of wonderful things to say. Of course, she's been the most consistent contributor here, and she may continue. :)

With abundant gratitude,
Gina ;~}

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas spirit

You know you have Christmas spirit when you just look at an artificial wreath and can smell the aroma of pine! Kind of gives you goosebumps.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Doesn't everyone have issues? Issues about health, family, finances--you name it. The problem I have, at times, is I over-think some issues. I can beat an issue to death if you let me think about it too long. I am trying, though, to give my issues over to God; heck, He can handle a lot more than I can. Problem is....sometimes I think He needs help. Guess what? He doesn't! When I get to the point of over-thinking, I try to find the place in my spirit where God takes control of my issues and brings peace to my mind.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Quote

The belief that unhappiness is selfless and happiness is selfish is misguided.
--Gretchen Rubin

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Quote

ecovering your emotional health will suffuse even small successes with joy, long before you achieve anything obviously spectacular.

—Martha Beck

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Quote

It is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, that energy flows thousands of miles away. And a silent blessing or thought of love toward others contains a vibration that will be felt throughout the cosmos.

--Wayne Dyer

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Art of Saying Yes!

After typing the title of this entry, the Jim Carey movie where he has to say yes to everything comes to mind. If you saw it, you will recall that he was quite the practiced curmudgeon and made himself -- and everyone around him -- pretty miserable. After he changes modes cool things start happening. He gets the girl, starts doing things he loves, and has a pretty wild ride... until it all goes horribly wrong.

I think that potential -- the part where the wheels come off -- is the reason so many of us are so practiced at turning down wonderful opportunities. We are intrigued, but then we start our litany of what-ifs and what-would-they-thinks and it's-too-good-to-be-trues.

We've learned -- often the hard way -- that it's a better bet to stick with the plan. Even if it makes us miserable.

You may have heard the term "calculated risk" bandied about. Finance people love it. Well, I am proposing a different approach. How about a calculated leap? A delicious risk?

The best thing about saying yes is that you get what you want on the other side of it! Expanding our options, offering gratitude, and leaping for those proverbial rings all allow new life into our days.

As the saying goes, "If you aim for the moon and miss, you are still among the stars."

So, next time someone offers you a chance of a lifetime, jump...

for joy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Lady

My Aunt Glenda was one of the happiest people I've ever known.

Now, this is particularly remarkable because, from all appearances, she had little or nothing to be happy about. She had cancer for about a decade and bounced from hospital to hospital enduring every possible torture in the form of treatment. Add to this picture a hard life in the Virginia mountains, raising two boys on one salary, isolated from the "stuff" that most of our family takes for granted.

But she had everything that mattered. She and my uncle seemed to adore one another. She laughed a lot -- often at herself -- and possessed a fearsome faith in a God that watched out for her and those she loved. She didn't claim to understand why she had cancer, but would point out that without it, she wouldn't have taken her witness beyond the road where she was born, lived, and died.

Every time I conjure up an image of Aunt Glenda she is smiling and laughing -- mane of red hair matching the blush that was often inspired by her realization that we were paying her any mind.

I left a pomegranate on her gleaming white casket. It seemed fitting... plump, red, and filled with little seeds. That happy lady certainly spread her share of little seeds... faith, laughter, humility, and hope.

Such a lovely, lovely legacy.