Saturday, April 18, 2009

How does a sunset make you feel?

A beautiful sunset like this evokes all sorts of emotions and memories for me.

It reminds me of a warm beach in the gulf--walking along the coast of St. Petersburg, FL, at the end of blistering hot day and enjoying the gulf waters gently lapping at the shore.

It inspires my artistic side and gets me thinking about getting this scene on a canvas--blissfully mixing my paint to perfectly match nature's colors and then playing with different brush strokes and textures to create a masterpiece.

Mostly, though, a sunset like this is a reminder of a day well spent that ends with the peace and calm which come from knowing I lived my best day--that I was productive and that I lived, laughed, and loved hard.

Peace and calm = a little bit o' bliss.


  1. I watch sunrises and sunsets religiously with my family. There is not much that you can see every day that is truly uniquely original. Every second, as the earth moves and the clouds move, a sunset is never the same from one second to the next. We watch the bright colours change to deep dark blues with an awe that in never dulled from one day to the next. No matter where we are this is always a special moment I spend with my wife and children.

  2. Lovely post and photo, Christine!

    And I love your comment, Brian. You are so right--those moments are priceless and appreciating them is a step toward bliss!

  3. I never cease to be absolutely fascinated by what's going on in the sky--the photos I take never come close to showing what I really see in terms of nuances of colors and dimensions of clouds, etc. I took this photo from the parking lot at the gym. Even from my elliptical trainer through the semi-tinted windows, I could see the sky continue to change colors as the sun went down. There was an astounding palette of purples, pinks, and oranges. It really just takes my breath away sometimes.
