Sunday, May 24, 2009

Today I was a Dad

Today I was a dad.

I made breakfast for 5 rowdy kids.

I kissed 4 boo boos.

Cleaned up one potty accident.

Broke up 5 arguments (it was a slow day).

While peeing got hugged tightly around my leg, just because someone loves me.

Got told I was mean twice and "I hate you" once.

Made 10 sandwiches.

Poured countless glasses of varying liquids.

Cleaned up puppy mess in the living room floor.

Made two grumpy kids take naps.

Grilled out for 11 people.

Went to the park.

Watched the movie Cars, again.

Tucked 5 beautiful children into bed.

Got 6 goodnight kisses.

Heard I love you more times than I could count.

Today I was a Dad. I am a Dad everyday. I like this job.


  1. This post made me so happy and proud! Good job Dad! Love and Peace, Wende

  2. This is sweet, thanks for sharing.

  3. Brian:

    You seem to balance it all extremely well, almost magically!

    Love the post, from a dad x 4.

